Stern warning from Pope Francis Thoroughbass from Francis and Burke

Stern warning from Pope Francis
Thoroughbass from Francis and Burke


It is my belief that ‘tacit knowledge based on decent intuition’ is the essence of conservatism both in the East and the West. The sacred gift prevents market fundamentalism / private interest capitalism from going out of control and collapsing.

Conservatism is free from all ideologies. It’s the wisdom deeply rooted in our society, families and communities, where people personally recognize one another and can even feel their temperatures.


In today’s dismal world, the specter of financial capitalism roams around. It disvalues family or societal ties, culture and tradition because they can not be transformed into numerical values in the marketplace. In a state where capital freely crosses borders and multinationals do not pay taxes, the stateless monsters stand on top of the Nation State and lord it over the people who are consumers.


In November, 2013, Pope Francis, the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, released his first apostolic exhortation, titled Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) which consists of 288 paragraphs.


‘Masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.’

‘Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “throw away” culture which is now spreading.’


The exhortation is a stern warning against ‘trickle-down economics’, which is a child of neo-liberalism and represented by Reaganomics. The theories assume if the rich get richer, the excess capital will eventually find its way to the poor. The message also warns against American-style shareholder capitalism and Chinese-style national capitalism which disregard public interest.


Pope Francis’s proposition is absolutely not the same as one made by Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II who helped end communism in Eastern bloc countries at the end of the Cold War. It’s precisely the opposite and should rather be compared to ‘Spiritual Intelligence’ in Edmund Burke, an Irish statesman and author


Decent citizens live, work and study earnestly. But if politicians and entrepreneurs have no spirit of ‘Nobles Oblige’ and act like a ‘group of dumb beasts,’ the people will rise up in righteous indignation

‘True Conservatism’ is the proper attitude of those in power to proactively meet the needs and aspirations of the little people. It makes it unnecessary for them to wage a revolution.


The message strikes me like a thorough bass…both Burke in the 18th century and Pope Francis in the 21st century, by curious coincidence, call for the need for maintenance on conservatism.

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